Sunday, August 31, 2008

I will never be homeless

I will never be homeless,
It won't happen to me.
I will never be homeless,
I'm doing so well, don't you see?
I have a good job, a nice house and a car,
I have everything I need to go far.
I am not like those Welfare bums,
To whom prosperity never comes.
You know, the ones who don't want to work,
Any kind of physical labour, they shirk.
All they want to do is drink,
Some are not clean, and they stink.
Then, I see a man, lying in the street,
A tattered coat around him and no shoes on his feet.
But, I sense that something is wrong,
That somehow, this man does not belong.
So, I decide to stop to say hello,
And ask him why he fell so low.
He once worked on a street called Bay,
Making good money every day.
Then, one day his job was gone.
He was told, "just go on home."
He soon just didn't care,
His purpose in life no longer there.
He lost his family, his home, and his car.
In just a few months, he fell so far.
So here he was, on the street,
With a tattered coat around him and no shoes on his feet.
Then I saw the lines on his face and the pain in his eyes,
I will never be homeless, will I?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Malaysia Funniest People

Hahaha!!! The funniest people living in Malaysia. Bagus diorang minum tapai la!!
Malayu juga la. Macamana mau maju kalau ini macam. Dalam kapla ingat duit! tusin, tusin om tusin. Kita urang dusun makin lama makin mau pupus di dunia. Ituuu la kamurang.

Bah..Datuk Pairin, mari kita rumamai dulu. Moginum sampai korilit id torigi...muhahahaha....